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The Top 3 Latest Marketing Campaigns.

Abhishek Jais

3. A home full of possibilities - IKEA India

Home furnishing brand IKEA launched a new campaign in India in April 2020 amidst the lock down depicting how "Home is full of possibilities".

The country wide lock down meant that all the people were staying indoors and exploring the comfort of the homes. IKEA came up with an idea that home is just not a place but a whole world to explore. The commercial showcases all the outdoor activities that can also be done in the comfort of your home like going for an evening walk, spend the night under the stars, visit your favourite restaurant, play to a full audience, play on the field or just go for a family picnic. The advertisement showcases that doing all this is possible in your own kitchen, garden, balcony, bedroom or living room and gives importance of not going out but enjoying at home in the company of your family.

2. Las Vegas. Now Open!

This marketing campaign is the perfect example of "action speaks louder than words." This 30 seconds commercial uses no words yet the message is conveyed very clearly to the audience.

Due to the widespread of the Coronavirus in the world, Las Vegas strips, joints, casinos, restaurants and bars and hotels were closed in the month of March. Almost after 3 months, Las Vegas was set to open and to mark this auspicious event, the tourism authority of the state dropped a 30 second commercial which showcased the Las Vegas strip lights coming to life. The commercial stars with an individual turning on an industrial power lever. It is followed by the turning the on the lights of "Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas" sign. Various strips light up as the commercial goes on and the main attraction is the counterclockwise lighting of the Roller Coaster Wheel and The Caesars Palace and other major tourist attractions in the background. The commercial ends with a tag line "Now Open."

1. Laughing Man Coffee

In the most commercial of Laughing Man Coffee we get a glimpse of a day in the life of Hugh Jackman the founder of the company. The advert is narrated by his long time frenemy Ryan Reynolds which makes the advert even more special for the people. The advert revolves around the idea that how a good cup of coffee can have an immediate effect on a person's behavior. The commercial starts with Hugh Jackman waking up all in a grumpy and bad mood while Ryan Reynolds trolls him with his narration. Ryan calls him the "goodwill ambassador" while Hugh is seen contradicting the statement by swearing at his dog and shouting at the kids playing on the streets. The biggest contrast comes when Ryan calls him "eternal optimistic" and Hugh is seen staring at the wall while death metal music plays in the background. That's when he decides to have coffee and his mood changes and he becomes the Hugh Jackman we all know and love. The commercial ends with Ryan explaining that Hugh Jackman donates 100 percent of profits from the coffee brand to fair trade farmers around the world, calling Laughing Man Coffee "the nicest fucking coffee on earth."

2 comentários

Abhishek Jais
Abhishek Jais
18 de set. de 2020

Thank you Divya Kapse


Divya Kapse
Divya Kapse
18 de set. de 2020

Great work🤜🤛


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